Concerts realitzats

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Datasort descending Ciutat Sala de concerts Província/Estat País
17/02/1969 Durban City Hall Sudáfrica / South Africa
20/02/1969 Cape Town City Hall / Stadsaal Sudáfrica / South Africa
21/02/1969 East London City Hall Sudáfrica / South Africa
22/02/1969 Queenstown Town Hall / Stadsaal Sudáfrica / South Africa
25/02/1969 Johannesburg City Hall / Stadsaal Sudáfrica / South Africa
26/02/1969 Cape Town Temple Hall Sudáfrica / South Africa
28/02/1969 Nairobi Kenya National Theatre Kenia / Kenya
02/03/1969 Nairobi Kenya National Theatre Kenia / Kenya
09/03/1969 Evansville Vanderburgh Civic Auditorium Indiana USA
10/03/1969 Evansville Vanderburgh Civic Auditorium Indiana USA
12/03/1969 St. Paul St. Paul Auditorium Theatre Minessota USA
16/03/1969 Albany Marylrose Academy Auditorium New York USA
18/03/1969 Fredericton The University of New Brunswick New Brunswick Canadá
21/03/1969 Naperville Barbara Pfeiffer Memorial Hall Illinois USA
23/03/1969 Denver Denver Auditorium Theatre Colorado USA
26/03/1969 San Francisco War Memorial Opera House California USA
27/03/1969 San Francisco War Memorial Opera House California USA
28/03/1969 San Francisco War Memorial Opera House California USA
29/03/1969 Los Altos Hills Foothill College Gymnasium California USA
04/04/1969 Tarrytown Hudson Pines, Residencia de David y Peggy Rockefeller New York USA
12/04/1969 Hannover Estudios Radio Deutschland / Alemania / Germany
13/04/1969 Braunschweig Stadhalle Deutschland / Alemania / Germany
14/04/1969 Braunschweig Stadhalle Deutschland / Alemania / Germany
17/04/1969 Wilhelmshaven Stadttheater Deutschland / Alemania / Germany
20/04/1969 Lübeck Stadhalle Deutschland / Alemania / Germany
21/04/1969 Lübeck Stadhalle Deutschland (Alemania /Germany)
22/04/1969 Bremen Estudios Radio Deutschland / Alemania / Germany
23/04/1969 Heidenheim Hospiz Deutschland / Alemania / Germany
06/05/1969 Lisboa Tivoli Portugal
07/05/1969 Porto Teatro Rívoli Portugal

