Concerts realitzats

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Datasort descending Ciutat Sala de concerts Província/Estat País
31/07/1971 Aspen Aspen Tent Amphitheater Colorado USA
02/08/1971 College Park Tawes Theater Maryland USA
09/08/1971 New York City Philharmonic Hall Lincoln Center New York USA
11/08/1971 New York City Philharmonic Hall Lincoln Center New York USA
01/10/1971 Cleveland Severance Hall Ohio USA
02/10/1971 Cleveland Severance Hall Ohio USA
06/10/1971 Ottawa Opéra Centre national des Arts Ontario Canadá
07/10/1971 Montréal Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier Québec Canadá
15/10/1971 Montclair Montclair High School New Jersey USA
16/10/1971 Millburn Millburn High School New Jersey USA
17/10/1971 Washington D.C. Concert Hall J. F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts USA
20/10/1971 Hackensack Orrie de Nooyer Auditorium New Jersey USA
22/10/1971 Westfield Westfield High School New Jersey USA
24/10/1971 New York City Hunter College Assembly Hall New York USA
28/10/1971 St. Paul Ignatius Aloysius O'Shaughnessy Auditorium Minessota USA
29/10/1971 Minneapolis Northrop Memorial Auditorium Minessota USA
06/11/1971 Dix Hills Half Hollow Hills High School New York USA
13/11/1971 New York City Hunter College Assembly Hall New York USA
15/11/1971 Norfolk Center Theatre Virginia USA
17/11/1971 Schenectady Union College Memorial Chapel New York USA
20/11/1971 Washington D.C. Concert Hall J. F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts USA
21/11/1971 Newark Symphony Hall New Jersey USA
22/11/1971 New York City Hunter College Assembly Hall New York USA
25/11/1971 Boston Symphony Hall Massachusetts USA
26/11/1971 Boston Symphony Hall Massachusetts USA
27/11/1971 Boston Symphony Hall Massachusetts USA
30/11/1971 Boston Symphony Hall Massachusetts USA
01/12/1971 Northampton John M. Greene Hall Massachusetts USA
07/12/1971 Colonia / Köln Estudios Radio Köln Alemania / Deutschland / Germany
08/12/1971 Colonia / Köln Estudios Radio Köln Alemania / Deutschland / Germany

