Concerts realitzats

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Data Ciutat Sala de concerts Província/Estat Paíssort descending
15/10/1984 Princeton McCarter Theatre New Jersey USA
20/11/1983 New York City Avery Fisher Hall New York USA
17/11/1973 Toledo Masonic Auditorium Ohio USA
16/07/1978 Lenox / Stockbridge Tanglewood Music Shed and Lawn Massachusetts USA
20/11/1981 Torrance El Camino Auditorium California USA
02/03/1976 Washington D.C. Concert Hall J. F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts USA
01/04/1988 Saint Louis Powel Symphony Hall Missouri USA
25/11/1988 Saint Paul Ordway Music Theatre Minnesota USA
19/12/1969 Cincinnati Music Hall Ohio USA
09/12/1968 New York City Carnegie Hall New York USA
13/10/1989 Chicago Orchestra Hall Illinois USA
12/05/1990 Washington D.C. Concert Hall John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts USA
10/03/1991 New York City Colden Center for the Performing Arts New York USA
30/11/1991 Indianapolis Clowes Memorial Hall Indiana USA
11/04/1995 Seattle Seattle Center Opera House Washington USA
07/11/1996 Lakeland Branscomb Memorial Auditorium Florida USA
21/10/1997 Charlotte Belk Theater North Carolina USA
07/11/1998 Columbus Ohio Theatre Ohio USA
27/07/1976 Los Angeles Hollywood Bowl California USA
22/07/1974 New York City Avery Fisher Hall New York USA
16/10/1968 Jackson ? Michigan USA
10/05/1980 Minneapolis Orchestra Hall Minnesota USA
15/10/1979 San Antonio Laurie Auditorium Texas USA
02/11/1985 Houston Jones Hall Texas USA
22/10/1971 Westfield Westfield High School New Jersey USA
01/05/1981 Pittsburgh Heinz Hall for the Performing Arts Pennsylvania USA
01/11/1986 Los Angeles Dorothy Chandler Pavilion California USA
21/11/1971 Newark Symphony Hall New Jersey USA
27/03/1969 San Francisco War Memorial Opera House California USA
21/11/1990 Minneapolis Orchestra Hall Minnesota USA

