Conciertos realitzados

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Fechasort ascending Ciudad Sala de conciertos Provincia/Estado País
17/03/1991 Detroit Orchestra Hall Michigan USA
16/03/1991 Detroit Orchestra Hall Michigan USA
15/03/1991 Detroit Orchestra Hall Michigan USA
14/03/1991 Detroit Orchestra Hall Michigan USA
10/03/1991 New York City Colden Center for the Performing Arts New York USA
09/03/1991 New York City Lehman Center for the Performing Arts New York USA
02/03/1991 Glasgow Glasgow Royal Concert Hall Scotland / Escocia United Kingdom
01/03/1991 Edinburgh / Edimburgo Usher Hall Scotland / Escocia United Kingdom
28/02/1991 Glasgow Glasgow Royal Concert Hall Scotland / Escocia United Kingdom
26/02/1991 Harrogate Royal Baths England / Inglaterra United Kingdom
24/02/1991 London / Londres Royal Festival Hall England / Inglaterra United Kingdom
21/02/1991 Roma Teatro Ghione Italia
20/02/1991 Teramo Teatro Comunale Abruzzo Italia
18/02/1991 Milano / Milán Sala Verdi del Conservatorio Lombardia Italia
16/02/1991 Firenze / Florencia Teatro della Pergola Toscana Italia
14/02/1991 Mantova Teatro Accademico Bibiena Mantova Italia
01/02/1991 Zürich Tonhalle Grosser Saal Suiza
27/01/1991 Paris Châtelet Francia / France
25/01/1991 Viena / Wien Wiener Konzerthaus Mozart-Saal Austria / Österreich
22/01/1991 Genève / Ginebra Victoria Hall Suiza
19/01/1991 Leverkusen Erholungshaus Alemania / Deutschland
13/01/1991 Rotterdam De Doelen Holanda
12/01/1991 Utrecht Vredenburg Holanda
11/01/1991 Rotterdam De Doelen Holanda
10/01/1991 Rotterdam De Doelen Holanda
07/01/1991 Utrecht Vredenburg Holanda
21/12/1990 Barcelona Palau de la Música Catalana Catalunya España
18/12/1990 Santiago de Compostela Auditorio de Galicia Galicia España
16/12/1990 Montecarlo Centre des Congrès Auditorium Monaco
07/12/1990 Baltimore Joseph Meyerhoff Symphony Hall Maryland USA

